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Edgbarrow School

Work Experience & Work Shadowing

Why does work experience matter?

  • Experiences of the workplace can create social capital for young people with more limited networks
  • Experiences of the workplace gives students the opportunity to develop essential skills
  • 8.2 per cent of people aged 16-64 in the UK today (3.4 million people in total) have never had a paid job (besides casual and holiday work). (Source: Never Ever Report 2020, Resolution Foundation.)

In line with DfE guidance and Gatsby Benchmark 6 – Experiences of the Workplace:

Every student should have first-hand experiences of the workplace through work visits, work shadowing and/or work experience to help their exploration of career opportunities, and expand their networks.

 You can find out how Edgbarrow meets this benchmark via the documents below:

Edgbarrow Careers Strategy

Edgbarrow Careers Ladder

Finding work experience

Parents/carers and students need to be mindful that post-covid work experience opportunities have changed with an increase in virtual opportunities as well as some sectors moving towards/operating a more hybrid model. Schools and young people need to be mindful of this in their approach to work experience and/or work shadowing and learn to adapt.

Work experience opportunities are shared with students via the Sixth Form Newsletter and the Year 11 Careers Google Classroom.

Below you will find links to some websites and companies that offer work experience:

Speakers for Schools - Placements sourced via Speakers for Schools will require Edgbarrow to complete part of the application and for parents/carers to consent to the placement. Students need to create an account to apply.

Springpod - Placements sourced via Springpod usually involve around 10 hours of activity. This will include live content, pre-recorded content and usually an element of independent working.

Barclays LifeSkills - Register for online work experience for young people aged 14-19. Includes online activities and five live sessions with Barclays employees.

HSBC Work Experience Programme - The UK Work Experience Programme is for students (Years 9-13) looking for a work experience placement with a leading global bank. The programme provides opportunities to gain some hands-on experience, develop your knowledge of banking and financial services, and explore the careers available at HSBC in the UK.

Prospects - Search for internships, volunteering, work shadowing, summer jobs and tips on how to ask employers for work experience.

Workfinder - A platform that allows you to connect to local businesses and hosts and create industry experience opportunities. The service is open to all young people but is most suited to 16–24 year olds.

Vinspired - Volunteering is a great way to meet people and help your community while helping you gain life skills, find fulfilment, learn new skills and add to your CV. This site is from the Speakers for Schools organisation founded by Robert Peston.

The NHS also offers work experience, these opportunities are usually offered via the individual hospital or trust.

Brighton & Sussex Medical School - provides a 'virtual' work experience for students looking to apply to medical school.

Career Days - Online work experience and career days for students aged 14-17.

Youth Panel - University of Reading - For students aged 14–18 who meet regularly during term time to work on a variety of exciting projects which are great for developing a range of transferable skills.


For further information regarding Careers & Work-Related Learning
please contact Mrs Robinson