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Edgbarrow School


A large, well-organised space, the library is stocked with fiction and non-fiction books.  There is seating space for a class, a few comfortable soft seating areas and large desks for group work.  The library works closely with the English department with fortnightly library lessons for all Key Stage 3 classes enabling students to learn the skills needed to make the best use of the library and encourage independent reading and research.  The library’s main focus is encouraging Reading for Pleasure through stock selection, author visits and events.

Students are welcome in the library during break and lunchtimes.  They can read, issue and return books, play chess or Rubik's cubes, do origami or homework. 

Displays of current fiction and non-fiction are regularly changed to encourage students to widen their reading. 

Key Staff

Mrs Mansfield - Senior Librarian
Miss Moulinier - Librarian

Library Intent

The Library is a central learning resource for the whole school, supporting all areas of the curriculum in subject knowledge, research skills and literacy. The library promotes reading for pleasure for all – a key activity for life-long learning and emotional well-being.

Reading Recommendations 

All books are available from the library.

News & Information

Research Information Skills

Below please find a link to how to research information. This includes how to reference information, what search engines to use rather than just Google, how to evaluate the information you find and how to be more specific searching.
Research Information Skills - 6 steps

 Reading for Pleasure

Reading for Pleasure - boosts student outcomes and enhances wellbeingDeveloping reading for pleasure in your school - National Literacy TrustResearch evidence on reading for pleasure - Department of Education

  • Events

    As a library team, we are keen to be visible throughout the school and provide as many options as possible for students and staff to find books that inspire a love of reading. To this aim, we frequently update our displays around the school and in the library and celebrate national and international events such as Storytelling Week, Black History Month, LGBT+ History Month, Mental Health Awareness Month, Women’s History Month, Pride, and National Poetry Day.

    We encourage our students to participate in Reading Challenges such as Read Around the Curriculum and Read Around the World. We have offered our students the chance to choose a mystery book with our Christmas Surprise books and Blind Date with Book initiatives. We provide book quizzes for tutor groups on World Book Day while running a 10p book sale of old stock with library-based games and events. We have hosted Scholastic Book Fairs and events for transitioning Year 6s such as a Big Book Quiz and book groups and shadowing of Book Awards for Key Stage 3 students.











For further information regarding our Library please contact: Library@edgbarrowschool.co.uk