
The Corvus Learning Trust (CLT) Trustees are going through a systematic review of policies. This will ensure that all statutory policies are up to date and reflect the current structure of the Trust. Some of the policies on our academies' websites were implemented when the CLT schools were maintained schools. During the interim period all currently agreed policies, guidance, protocols and procedures will be followed and any reference in current documents to Bracknell Forest Council or the Local Authority will be taken to apply to the CLT (except where the LA retain statutory responsibilities). Edgbarrow School joined the Corvus Learning Trust in January 2018.

For Trust policies please visit: Corvus Learning Trust website

School Admissions

A1 - Admission to the Sixth Form

A2 - Admissions Arrangements (BF Policy)


B1 - Health & Safety Policy

B4 - Use of CCTV and Biometric Technology


C1 - Curriculum Policy

C2 - Collective Worship

C3 - Careers Education Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Policy

C5 - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Policy

C8 - Accessibility Plan

C9 - English as an Additional Language (EAL)


F1 - Charging and Remissions

F5 - Freedom of Information and Data Protection


CLT P1 - Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

CLT P2 - Complaints Policy

CLT P3 - Conduct Policy for Parents, Carers, Visitors and How to Raise a Concern

CLT P8 - Search, Screen and Confiscation Policy

P2 - Equality Policy

P3 - Relationships and Sex Education

P6 - Behaviour and Discipline Policy

P7 - Anti-Bullying Policy

P8 - Drugs and Alcohol Policy

P12 - Home School Agreement

P13 - Attendance Policy

P14 - Supporting pupils with medical conditions

P17 - E-Safety Policy


CLT S10 - Whistleblowing Policy

CLT - Edgbarrow School Privacy Notice -Students, Parents & Carers Data Protection Act 2018